- can be operated with a variety of CNC software and comes with a set of CAD/CAM tools.
- Drawings from other CAD applications can be imported and processed.
- 3D simulation of the manufacturing process, including a cycle time, can be shown enabling work to be proven without the need for trial runs on the machine.
- Manual Data Input allows programs to be entered using International Industrial programming conventions.
- Incorporates hardware capable of continuous 3 axis movement utilizing the latest Continuous Path.
- Manufacturing technology allows large programs, imported from Major CAD/CAM packages, to be machined efficiently and is an essential machine feature for successful Rapid Prototyping of 3D
- control panel with push buttons and controls allows the machines to be operated without a keyboard.
- Active and accurate tool path graphics continuously displayed line by line during program write, test Run and manufacture.
- Additional features like an automatic tool-changer and a 4th axis can be added.
ABCMill20 is a PC-controlled, 3-axis CNC table-top milling machine complying in structure and function to the industrial standar