PARTICULARSVASU - 1VASU - 2VASU - 3Length of Bed1350 mm./ 4' - 6"1600 mm./ 5' - 3"1800 mm./ 6'Admit Between Centre522 mm.750 mm.978 mm.Height of Centre215 mm.215 mm.215 mm.Width of Bed270 mm.270
mm.270 mm.Spindle Bore52 mm.52 mm.52 mm.Spindle Nose Dia/Threads74.3 x 6 TPI74.3 x 6 TPI74.3 x 6 TPITaper Bore in SpindleMT - 6MT - 6MT - 6No of Spindle Speed/Range6/40 to 470 mm.6/40 to 470
mm.6/40 to 470 mm.Swing over Cross Slide230 mm.230 mm.230 mm.Swing over Bed415 mm.415 mm.415 mm.Tail Stock Spindle Morse Taper/DiaM.MT - 4/50 mm.MT - 4MT - 4No of Threads / PitchTPI 2 to 48TPI 2 to
48TPI 2 to 48Electric Motor2 HP.2 HP.2 HP. Standered Accessories :Dead Centre - 2 Nos, Centre Adaptor,Chuck Plate, Tool Post Key, Change gear set,Motor Pulley, Switch, V-belt.Optional Accessories
:Steady Rest, Follow Rest, Face PlateTaper turning attachment, Electrical,Coolant Pump with tank, Norton gear box,Three Speed Gear box, Rear tool Post.
Medium Duty Belt Driven Lathe
Bed Length 1350mm/1600mm/1800mm, Height of Centre 215mm, Spindle Bore 52mm, Bed Width 270mm