Central locating pins to ensure easy removal of the stainless steel hopper.
Hopper scrapper. Motorized up/down. 100 product recipe memory.
Hydraulic clutch brake systems for ultra speedy dispensing.
Solid welded tubular frame (with 5-inch huge anodized main support column).
Twin Extreme high speed indexing systems, 1? HP Powerful Drives
Stainless construction (anodized aluminium components)
Ultra-rugged Twin Lane auger filler designed for high speed and long life
Speeds up to 360 bpm
Ultra-rugged Twin Lane auger filler designed for high speed and long life
Ultra-rugged Twin Lane auger filler designed for high speed and long life |
Ultra-rugged Twin Lane auger filler designed for high speed and long life ...
Come From Aesus Systems Inc.
Central locating pins to ensure easy removal of the stainless steel hopper. Hopper scrapper. Motorized up/down. 100 product recipe memory. Hydraulic clutch brake systems for ultra speedy dispensing. Solid welded tubular frame (with 5-inch huge anodized main support column). ...
Come From Aesus Systems Inc.