Bozeman, MT 59718
8551 Cottonwood Road
Infinet Communications, Inc.
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Made in the U.S.A in a modern plant utilizing the latest CNC machine tool technology. It is engineered to be strong, yet light weight for portability. The new direct drive premium
quality gear motor has no pulleys, belts, or chains which add weight and reduce efficiency. The two seam rollers are made from commercial quality tool steel for long life.
How To Order
Call / email first for availability.
Click here to view our Manual Can Sealer
Model A motor 1/6 hp, 45 rpm $1,679.00
Model B motor 1/4 hp, 70 rpm 1,979.00
Shipping per unit 59.00
Model A
Large View [+] Model B
Large View [+]
Lightweight aluminum construction
Commercial style hardened seaming rollers for #10 cans
Model A motor 1/6 hp, 45 rpm
Model B motor 1/4 hp, 70 rpm
110 Volt heavy duty direct-drive gear motor
Attached scratch resistant base pad
Table clamps
Full 1 year warranty on parts & factory labor
Seal 3 cans per minute
Can and store the products of your choice
Can and store special dietary needs products
Can and store you own disaster survival food
Can and store hard to find products you like
Dry Pack Canning # 10 Can Seaming Machine
View a brief video displaying the Sealer in action!
Hi-Bandwidth (~7MB) or Lo-Bandwidth (~2.8MB)
Can and store certified organic grains, beans and dry goods
Can Seamer
Can and store certified organic grains, beans and dry goods
Can Seamer Can and store certified organic grains, beans and dry goods |