When choosing a specific model you need to consider not only the size of the bag to be filled and the characteristics of the product to be bagged, but also the type of bag you intend to use. It can
be an open mouth sack or a sack with inside valve (or valvulated sack)Our machines are widely used in several industries, such as the milling and feeding industries whose productive processes end
with the filling of big-bags.The following list contains some of the products we can handle:Activated coal, aluminum2s powder, barley, beans, bentonite, bone2s flour, borax powder, bran, cacao and
coffee grains, carbon black, caustic soda, cement, cereals, chickpea, cork, corn (maize), dolomite, dry vegetables and leguminous, fertilizers, fish2s flour, fodder, gelatine, germ, any kind of
grains, gypsum, husk, kaolin, lime, maize and wheat flour, milk2s powder, oat, peanut, pellets, pigments, plastics, polycarbonate, polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyvinyl cloride,
refractory materials, rice, rye, salt, sawdust, seeds, semolina, soap2s powder, soybean, spices, starch, sunflower seeds, tinctures, wheat, and similar products