Powder, Pellets, and Tabletcan be automatically filled into each of the capsules." Operation is made easy with the compact-size panel of the front control structuresconsidering the operators
convenience. All the switches and function displays are all gathered on the touch screen. " The powder filling part, consisting of six segments, is comprised of the hardening part to measure the
powder five times and the conveying part that sends the measured powder to capsules. " Each of the tamping pin groups is easy to adjust for precise powder fillings. " Labeling on the dosing plate
can be done for the even amount of powder fillings from the hopper. " Faulty capsules and non-separated capsules can be automatically removed. " It is easy and simple to replace the size change
parts." Low-noise and low-vibration can be achieved with the use of precision cam and the index of high rigidity. " Soft-start and temporary speed adjustment are made possible by adopting the