Monarch appliances introduce poly seal stretch wrapping machine. The concept of stretch wrapping as the name suggests entails the use of stretch-cling film. The stretchy film is stretched around
the product/carton. The film clings to the previous layer of film. The cycle keeps on repeating till the entire product/carton is covered with film. design to enable cylindrical products to be
wrapped with ld / ldpe stretch film.FEATURES :-Robust construction, controllable cycle time, safety features incorporated, indigenous design, user friendly, low power consumption, variable speed,
easy manipulation of load to provide bi-directional wrapping.BENEFITS:-Protection from dusts, moisture and foreign particle, gives stability to the pack, scratch resistant, handling becomes easy
and fast, economical mode of packing, prevent telescoping labor &time, low maintenance cost, attractive packing for printed boxes, better identification of wrapped prodcts.APPLICABLE TO
INDUSTRIES:-Industries like computer components, cosmetic items, consumer goods, domestic pumps, electrical & electronic goods, engineering items, food products, garments, handicrafts,
pharmaceutical carton, boxes etc.