Auto baling press stand at the beginning of an ecological, and also is the best economical disposal strategy. Waste material is compressed into compact bales witch can easily stored and
transported.Godswilloffers complete baling machines to suit diversiform requiring. From capacity to installation area, even special device which you can get optimum solution. That comes from our
over 20 years experience and outstanding designing.Professional recycle operation panel with monitor, easy to set operation parameter for different materials. Change operation mode just turn mode
choosing switch to get a group optimum parameters.Shear force scattering cutter separate steps duty to reduce cut-off force to increase effectively and life span.Anti-back pawl can stop back for
hard memory material. That is rising efficacy and density, also getting square shape of baler.Variable opening with chute device. Big opening suits large corrugated board. Small opening is easy
cut-off for hard to cut-off material.