Illig, established in 1946 is the leader in the field of thermoforming and packaging equipments.It offers:Automatic thermoforming machines to produce cups and containers from mono and multilayer
Polystyrene, Polypropylene, ABS, PVC, K-resin, PET sheets.Vacuum Forming Machines to produce industrial components for refrigerators, automobiles, air-crafts, electronics, etc.Blister Forming and
packaging machines for industrial products such as blades, toothbrushes, toys, etc. Form, Fill and Seal machines for food packaging and industrial products.Skin packaging machines for industrial
products.Roll fed machines for separate forming and punching to produce trays, inlets, hinged packaging and products from CPET mould making department and tool room.ILLIG can supply totally
integrated systems (machine and tools)For more details, please visit : Illig web -