These machines find applications for stationery,sweets,gift packets,confectionary,welding rods, bottles, cosmetics etc. :: Features ::Compact in size. Rugged heavy duty machine. Sturdy Stell base.
Roller Conveyor with optional variable speed. Accurately controlled tunnel temperature. Offer neat,clean & wrinkless wrapping. Takes the shape of your product with complete transperancy. Enhances
sales appeal,cuts down packing cost, prevents pilferage. ::Characteristic ::Any heat shrinkable material like PVC, LDPE, CRYOVAC etc. :: Specification :: MODEL PST-410 PST-310 PST-210 PST-150
PSTM-150 Power 50 Hz 3?-440V+N+E 50 Hz3?-440V+N+E 50 Hz3?-440V+N+E 50 Hz 1?-220V+E 50 Hz 1?-220V+E Mechanical DimL*W*H (mm) 2000*800*1700 1200*700*1400 900*550*1280 800*500*680 950*510*1900 Tunnel
Dim L*W*H (mm) 1200*400*400 800*300*300 500*200*200 470*150*150 470*150*400 Heater (KW) 9 6 5 4 5 Temp.