Geminis Oil Country cnc latheHere is offered a very special lathe with double jaws chuck and a hole thru spindle of 365mm or 14 inchesThis machine has a very low hour usage and it works very fine.
It has a Fanuc 0T cnc control with differents gears controlled by cnc. It has an eight positions Sauter turret and the chip convenyor. It can be tested without problems. Avery good opportunity for
the oil countries or companies that make pipes to work in the petroleum industry. It's complete with all the books and tech drawings, foundations drawings, all the parameter lists. DATA: Max
capacity hole diameter: 365mm or 14 inchesMax movement Z axis: 1000mm or 40 inchesMax height of the points: 500mm or 21 inches. Sturdy machine to work without problems for several years. We have
all the books and so if you need more details or other pictures i can send it to you, please ask me by mail. Any other information regarding the machine can be asked by email. Machine can be tested
without problems. Please feel free to contact us