Identical to single pre-assembled sheathing process, equipments are adapted to twin process.
The extrusion of the twin pipe requires a special die head to bond them together by means of a discontinuous longitudinal segment of material.
This makes it possible to split them, if required, and provides a ready-to-use product.
The twin pre-assembled sheathing is principally used for the heating and sanitary network, the radiator's connection.
This twin pre-assembled sheathing permits a big saving time for the users, uncoiling only one coil instead of two before.
Rather than inserting the smooth pipe after extruding the corrugated pipe, the Corelco's process consists of extruding the corrugated pipe around the smooth pipe, thereby producing a ready-to-use
product. We can produce the pre-assembled sheathing in two ways :
-in line process: the pre-assembled line is positioned after the smooth pipe extrusion.
-resumption process: the smooth pipe, which is produced in big coils (500m), is uncoiled and introduced in the pre-assembled sheathing line, coils are connected together with steel connectors
inserted by a connection unit to work with a continuous length. At coiling time steel connector is detected and ejected of the finished product.
Production (mm) |
?16 au ?50
?16 au ?25
?90 au ?125
Mould blocks chain (pairs) |
In lines pre-tubing