Easy way of screwing reinforcement profiles to PVC window and door profiles The screws are taken automatically from the feeding bowl and tightened during screwing operation only by pulling the
trigger Reduction of the tightening cyle times up to 40% Thanks to portable and ergonomic design, the screwdriver can be used in any position Compact air motor with up to 5.1 Nm torque power From
penatrating steel sheet to soft wood or vynil screwing; various torque requirements provided by adjustable friction clutch Drills and screws up to 2mm thick reinfocement profiles with an
appropriate screw 3/9 Screws up to 25mm long are sent automaticaly from the feeding unit 3/9 Screws up to 35mm long can be placed manually to chamber by means of the funnel piece
Easy way of screwing reinforcement profiles to PVC window and door profiles