Quick service and shipping in 3/4 weeks !
Call Dr. Gary A. Jacobsen today with your custom cylinder specifications and get our competitive pricing.
We also provide copper/chrome engraved cylinders too.
We can handle small test cylinders up to jumbo production cylinders of 34" x 144" and weighing as much as 4,000 LBS.
Lenticular Cylinder Engraving & Optical Lens Design: For Lenticular Plastic Extruders Serving the Lenticular Printing, Computer Screen, and TV Screen Industries.
We ship heavy-duty lenticular engraved cylinders with any lens pattern (10-20-40-60-62-75-100-140-200-500-800 lines per inch pitch, etc.) for any optical use.
Our JacoTech Super-Duty lenticular engraved cylinders outlast conventional copper/chrome cylinders service life by 4 to 1 or more.
Lenticular Cylinder Engraving & Optical Lens Design: For Lenticular Plastic Extruders
Lenticular Cylinder Engraving & Optical Lens Design: For Lenticular Plastic Extruders |