Closed circuit hot air circulation oh each module for homogeneity and energy save " Extruded aluminum elliptic reflectors (patented by EMA) with a replaceable reflecting surface " Isolated machine
body for energy save and operator safety " Height adjustable conveyor with teflon band and cooling system " Base vacuum system for cooling the band and the removal of humidity and exhaust gases "
PID control and temperature adjustment " Easily movable machine body "Safety sensor for exhaust gases " Wheeled electrical cabinet for easy maintenance "Electro-statically painted machine body to
prevent scratching "1000 operation hours warranty for the UV lamps, one year warranty for the machine Technical Features " 120 W/cm powered mercury UV lamps " 380 Volt, 3 phases, 50 Hz energy
supply Optional Features " PLC automation control " IR heat-treatment module to speed up the process " Extruded aluminum reflectors (patented by EMA) with a replaceable reflecting surface for IR
module option