A Barcode Printer is a device that is very similar to traditionalprinters, except rather than generating documents; it is used forprinting of barcode labels and tags. It is specially designed to
notonly generate tens of thousands of labels and tags without error butalso do it very quickly. As barcode printer has a print head thatgenerates the heat required for printing. There is also a
media sensorthat detects the presence of media in the printer.Different types ofbarcode printers are available to cater to different markets likedesktop, industrial, high performance and
These printers use different printing technology, can feature veryhigh resolution and go wherever you want! Both these printers arecapable of producing one and two dimensional barcodes. A Direct
ThermalBarcode Printer uses a print head to heat special, chemically treatedlabel stock.
The print is created when parts of the label stock darken in responseto the heat. It is an inexpensive way to print labels that are fortemporary use. A Thermal Transfer Barcode Printer uses heat
generatedby the print head to melt a waxy substance on the ribbon. It generateslabels that last longer and are more durable, but at a slightly higherprice. While choosing a printer, various factors
need to be taken intoconsideration like resolution, print speed, print length, print widthand interface used to connect the printer.We have a range of optionsavailable for you to choose from
depending upon your business processand needs.