Acclimatizer Units : Operating Temperatures : 20o Cent. up to 40o Cent.Cooling/Heating Medium : Air Conditioning Unit, and Electric Heat Exchanger (6 Kw.).Drier/Polymerizing Units :Operating
Temperatures : Up to 180o Cent..Heating Medium : Electric Heat Exchangers (16 Kw.). The Units, retaining a Stainless Steel Internal Lining forming the Rotary Screens Heating and/or Cooling
Chambers, being totally enclosed with Rock-wool insulating Material encased in painted Sheet Metal forming the Exterior Panels and the Access Doors.Heating and/or Cooling Chambers, from Direct
Driven Axial-Flow Circulating Fans connected to Louvered Air Plenum Chambers, enabling Hot and/or Cooled Air being Re-circulated into the Plenum Chambers via the Air Conditioning Unit and/or the
Electric Heat Exchangers. Control Panel, housing necessary Switch-gear and Electronic Controls to accurately Set Temperatures and Time Factor parameters for the Operational Sequence of the
Acclimatizer Unit, or the Polymerizer Unit, ready prepared for Main incoming Electrical supply.