Features High Quality Printing- Consistent printing quality- Low noise and little vibration Easy Operation- Use of remote control system- Easy to master operation- Use of touch screen panel- Easy
set up of printing data in display window High Productivity- High precision ink mixer system- Easy to install and remove ink roller- Easy maintenance- Variety options available Use of magnetic
printing cylinders- No change cylinders- Possibility of plate change in the printing machine- Outstanding "Flatness" of the plate by comparison with bonded plates- No ripping or distortion of
printing plates- Fast plate change- Problem-free handling- Plates can be replaced in the machine without removing the printing segment- Elimination of printing gap problem Specifications Web
width(max.) 100 to 350mm Printing width(max.) 330mm Repeat length 50 to 250mm or 380mm Expected printing speed 40-50m/min(in case of repeat length 240mm) Printing color 2 to 9 colors Printing plate
type Photopolymers, 0.73mm thick, steel-based Plate installation Magnetic cylinder