Many companies require their logo or company name to be printed on their bags. With our printing machines you may obtain up to 4 different colors (depending on the printing units), nicely printed
The desired logo and/or text are processed on a printing stereo made from rubber or cyril which is attached to the steel printing rolls. Each printing unit has an ink container on the floor to
avoid spilling ink over the conveyor belt during the filling process. The ink is delivered from the containers to the cylinders by a circulating pump which also prevents the ink from drying.
A worker feeds the bags one by one to the machine. The bags are transported on a wide conveyor belt by rollers. When a bag passes underneath the continuously rotating printing drums, a
counter cylinder which is activated by a photocell, presses against the conveyor belt, causing the bag contact the inked stereo. By using the adjustable cams, the exact timing of each printing may
be calculated to obtain the perfect fit of the proceeding color printing on a bag. The stacking is done manually.
For the printing machines we have the following optional equipments;
Many companies require their logo or company name to be printed on their bags.
Many companies require their logo or company name to be printed on their bags. |