If you want to make ABS printing on socks this machine is waiting for you! 1-Pneumatic squegee pressure system ensures giving pressure from four diffrent points2-Fine adjustment system which can be made from three different points. 3-Motor-Driven squeegee drawing system4-The return speed of each squeegee is adjustable electronically5-Pneumatic squeegee pressure adjustment6-Pneumatic up-down system7-Possible pallet sizes are (cm) : 6*12, 8*16, 12*248-Printing facility from 1 to 6 colors9-Pneumatic rotation systemAIR CONSUMPTION: 100 lt / min. AIR WORKING PRESSURE: 4 barOUTPUT OF ELECTRICAL: 0, 5 kWSENSITIVITY: + , -0, 01 mmPRINTING CAPACITY: 1200-1500 pairs / hour
If you want to make ABS printing on socks this machine is waiting for you!
1-Pneumatic squegee pre