The q-entry ticket printer is Specifically designed for the leisure industry. The thermal printer has a print speed of up to 70 tickets aMinute, full cash reconciliation facilities and on-board
ticketAnd text editing. It can issue tickets for admissions, Cloakrooms, concerts and be used for promotional campaigns, Producing drink vouchers and retention tickets. Q-entry features: Admissions
in nightclubs, fun fairs, theme Parks, car parks, theatres, cinemas, carting Rinks, exhibitions and any other situations Where a ticket is essential Sales and printing of various tickets for events
Such as concerts, parties and other occasionsPrints various security numbers on tickets Queuing situations where customers can with The aid of up t o 15 number sequences, wait Their turn to be
served or admitted when theirNumber is called Extensive statistics and reports include X, z, Monthly, annual and auditing reports Compulsory cash declarationBody count that keeps track of number of
ustomers admittedLarge optional display unit that allows Additional control of takingsUp to 15 keys can be individually programmed With text and pricesLogotypes and pictures can be printed
Versatile and complete ticket and text editing Optional display of bodycount Choice of 60mm low-cost admission ticket as Well as 100mm high quality concert ticket Available in 9 colours Available
as stand-alone unit or PC / network Link plus optional user friendly software forWindows reporting and editing High quality swedish manufactured thermal Printing unit with extremely low
serviceRequirements Additional cash drawer available Integrates completely with q-range