The Model NCC.5E, is a multicolor, rotary index table screen printer with integrated UV cure. Now you can print two colors in perfect registration, at high speed, at an unbelievably low price. It
is capable of screen printing and UV curing up to 6" x 6" images. Optional larger sizes are available that can print up to 6 colors. The NCC.5E utilizes a single 6" UV irradiator to cure two colors
(the product goes around twice before both colors are cured). This machine is highly efficient, durable, and easy to service. An economy of design, a plentiful return on your investment. A unique
patented index/PLC control system makes the NCC.5E fast, accurate within +/- .001" and suitable for continuous operation. You will gain a substantial increase in yield of the number of parts you
print. You will quickly come to appreciate the time and labor savings the NCC.5E bring to your shop floor. Standard FeaturesTwo 12" stroke precision printers with controls.Overload protection for
operator safety.X, Y and angular microadjust.Dwell timed cycle start, modular automatic take-off device (suction cup type).Heavy duty locking casters.
Model NCC.5E Screen Printing Machine confiquired to print plastic cards.