jprint perfector press

Low operating costs are another Jprint advantage.
The excellent operating efficiency enables just 2 people to oversee operations, allowing better utilization of personnel. It also reduces paper costs.
The single process allows alignment and color matching to be checked for both sides at the same time.
Waste paper and text pages are greatly reduced, boosting cost efficiency.
Additional paper is sent in one direction, assuring print area that is equal to that of a single-side press.
With perfector presses, the required paper dimensions are arranged to avoid cosmetic trimming. With Jprint's single cylinder method, the special impression cylinder jackets are the essential consumable parts of the double-side printer, with half the preparation copies compared to the double impression cylinder method, with resulting cost savings.
Jprint also makes efficient use of manufacturing space. While a double-side press, it has a compact design that requires only the same amount of space as a 4-color single-side press.
There is little curl as with perfector printing, and this allows better stacking.
And no need to provide extra operations space for drying and reversal, as with 2-pass systems.

Printing with Jprint enables prevention of defects without having to monitor both sides, allowing more flexible platemaking operations.
Jprint enables large increases in operating efficiency through higher performance in both production and costs in comparison to single-side and perfector presses.

Jprint takes superior manufacturing performance to a new level.
Double-sided printing does not prevent Jprint from reducing production preparations to just 10 minutes.
The Auto Plate Changer can replace 8-unit plates in less than 4 minutes.
This is 1/3 the preparation time required for a 4-color 2-pass press.
The high operating efficiency of Jprint allows 3 double-sided short runs of 2000 copies each to be turned over in 1 hour.

Jprint boosts the profitability of your operations.
In comparison to 2-pass 4-color, the 1-pass double-sided printing method greatly reduces delivery time.
The fast turnaround time becomes a huge advantage in expanding orders.

This is 1/3 the preparation time required for a 4-color 2-pass press.

  • Country:Japan
  • telephone:81-03-3693-5191
This is 1/3 the preparation time required for a 4-color 2-pass press.
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jprint perfector press

This is 1/3 the preparation time required for a 4-color 2-pass press. ...

Come From Akiyama International Co.,Ltd.