Technical data
Pneumatic frame lock system
Very easy to change printing size
Precise adjustment and lock of the table
Foot pedal or automatic recycling operation
Automatic off contact
Safety voltage on control board (24 V)
Safety switch button
Automatic safety device
Separate control of squeegee and flood coater speed
Squeegee speed control on front board
Special device for frame cleaning and inspection
Timer, stroke counter as standard equipment
Overcraft blowing system for moving easily heavy sheets
Uniform squeegee movement even at very slow speed
Squeegee flood coater angle adjustment
Rapid and simple squeegee/flood coater pressure adjust, also during the printing
Stainless steel mechanical parts
Possibility to remove squeegee and flood coater without losing adjustment
Pneumatic operation for reversing of squeegee and flood coater with double run: starting with reduced pressure and printing with working pressure
Vacuum table vertical movement to 25 mm with micrometric control
Squeegee run on longer side of frame
Opening of frame by a parallel device
Opening of frame by a parallel device
Squeegee run on longer side of frame
Vacuum table vertical movement
Opening of frame by a parallel device Squeegee run on longer side of frame Vacuum table vertical movement |