Aerial Imagery Work Station (AIWOS)Aerial photo interpretation involves examining photographic images for the purpose of identifying objects. One of the most widely used tools is the stereoscope
which allows the interpreter to study photographs in three dimensions. The zoom stereoscope allows the viewer to rapidly scan the photo frames and select the frame of interest to zoom in which
allow the photo interpreters to effectively analyse the images in detail.Aerial Imagery Workstation (AIWOS) is an indigenous development by Speck and BEL combine, precision optoelectronic equipment
comprising of mechanical, electronic and optical components with a CPU and controlling software. Zoom Stereoscopes indigenously developed by Speck serve the needs of image analysis, forensic and
medical applications.The AIWOS filming software is Windows based. The hardware, including the control card of the AIWOS electronics, is designed to operate on standard Windows platform.