Key Features
- Over-the-Edge Printing
- Borderless Contact Smart Card Printing
- Interface
- Full Card Personalization
- Secure Input Hopper, Cover and Card Reject Area
- Locked Enclosure with Password-Protected Access
With branded cards quickly becoming the global currency, this unique unembossed technology
is the next-generation instant issue tool that helps introduce revenue-generating opportunities
for banks and credit unions. The CardWizard FCP 20/20 is a flexible, reliable, secure and
affordable solution that is changing the card issuing process as we know it.
New to the industry is DCS CardWizard? FCP 20/20 the industrys first patent-pending instant
issuance card printer to offer full, over-the-edge card personalization which produces a flat
unembossed card for magstripe and contactless cards. For the first time, financial intuitions
can now issue cards from one device that offers full card personalization features including
color card-printing, magstripe encoding, and smart card programming.
>> CardWizard Software Spec Sheet
>> Complete Product Spec Sheet
Additional Information
The "Perfect Vision" for Instant Issuance
The "Perfect Vision" for Instant Issuance
The "Perfect Vision" for Instant Issuance |