In addition to this with our very well staffed team of highly qualified and experienced installation and maintenance engineers we give a prompt after sales service which come with a 18 months guarantee.
Our factories maintain high quality standards in the manufacturing process as is evident from the ISO 9001 certification. Price wise our presses are extremely competitive and at times our prices are far less than good quality second hand machines from USA and EUROPE.
As of date we have more then 1700 Web Offset presses installed worldwide.
The various sizes and the modular elements come along with the most contemporary and modern features, which are incorporated and are comparable to the best machines manufactured in Europe and USA.
Full Deck printing unit.
? Deck printing unit for 1 + 0 printing.
4-Color Satellite printing unit for 4 + 0 printing.
4 Hi Tower printing unit for 4 + 4 printing
Y Type Printing Unit with separate reel stand for 2 + 1 printing.
Arch Type Printing Unit with integral Reel Stand and I Type Printing Unit with separate reel stand for 1 + 1 printing.
These models are available in a wide variety of modular units which are:
In additon to the above we have machines in Europe,USA, Middle East and South East Asia.
6. Medagascar
5. Mauritius
4. Tunisia
3. Namibia
2. Nigeria
1. Algeria
More than 50 percent of our total production is exported worldwide including African countries and we have supplied some machines in :-
We manufacture machine with a printing speed of 20,000, 30,000, 36,000 and 45,000 copies per hour in 545mm cut off, 560mm cut off,578mm cut off and many more on requirement of individual publishers.
We are pleased to introduce ourselves as the Indian renowned manufacturer and exporters of Web Offset Printing Machines which are primarily used for printing of newspapers, books etc.
FAST and GEMINI range of Web Offset Printing Machines are capable of printing Newspapers, Books, Magazines etc.
FAST and GEMINI range of Web Offset Printing Machines are capable of printing Newspapers, Books, Magazines etc. |