For more than 15 years we have been developing and building three standard ranges of mechanical presses: " C-frame presses " Single point double sided presses " Double point double sided presses
During the development work, standardisation was the designers'main concern. The goal was to be able to use common operational sub-assemblies for several types of machines. The main specifications
of the presses were defined and confirmed in close cooperation with our customers, taking into account market requirements. Today, we have achieved our goal. The wide range of mechanical presses
that we present in the following pages, fully satisfies the criteria that we set ourselves: " Elegance and a standardised frame shape. " Shared drive assemblies. " Modularity in equipment. " Work
station ergonomics. " Quality and reliability of parts and components. " Reduced manufacturing times. " Wide range of control systems and electrical cabinets. " Availability of spare parts and
wearing parts. " Ease of operation and maintenance. This standardised base also presents undeniable qualities to satisfy the needs of customers by allowing special functions to be installed on
standard basic machines.