The JV3 has been a longtime favorite of productiveprintshops around the country, now take a look at the newest generationJV5 and it's many new generation features. Printhead and Nozzle
4x asmany nozzles as JV3 series printers. Variable dots produce the highestquality in printing results. New staggered head configuration for speedand image quality. Production speed: 430 sq ft/hr
at 540 x 1080 dpiAutomatic nozzle drop-out detection quickly detects and cleans heads,saving potentially wasted media and ink. Ink Easy, automatic change ofdouble sets of ink cartridges (1760cc per
color). Ink type depends onyour operating environment and desired applications. Mimaki has twotypes of ink available, the Mild Solvent ES3 Inks and the High SolventHS inks. Media & Productivity New
large post-heater and drying fanpromotes quick drying of the prints enabling use of the auto winder.New media feed system keeps media very stable without having bandingissues caused by irregular
feeding due to heavy weight media. Mediathickness and head height are automatically detected and adjusted.Media encoder supports high quality prints by observing and controllingmedia feeding
length. Rely on the JV5 for beautiful, prints and aproductive, efficient printshop. Specs Model JV5-160 Max Resolution1440dpi Max Speed 582 sq ft/hr Max (Production) Speed 430 sq ft/hr
Slow(Quality) Speed 258 sq ft/hr Number of Inks/Type 4 or 6 / 2 sets MaxWidth 64 inches Head Technology Piezo.