Introducing a high resolution system that is moreecologicallyfriendlyand provides more efficient operation thantraditionalsublimationtransfer systems. The DS-1800 Textile Printer isa 74-inchdirect
todye sublimation printer that doesnt require transfermedium. AnewMimaki inkset formulation creates a robust color gamutwhenapplieddirectly to polyester based roll
materials.Sharp,high-qualityprintDirect printing provides finer lines and sharper edgesthantraditionaltransfer systems.Environmental-friendlyNo need tousetransfer paper.Reduced costThis system
requires no transfer paperorliner paper, so running costsare much lower than the costsoftraditional transfer systems.Improved operational efficiencyThesystemavoids cockling of printed transfer
paper and mistakes madebywrinklingtransfer paper when transferring the ink onto fabric.Equippedwithmedia take-up device and media feeder with a dancerrollerThetensionbar moves up and down to adjust
proper feeding. Suitableforcontinuousoperation.Ink trayIn order to prevent ink that has penetratedthefabric from markingother fabrics, a tray is provided.High-speedprintheadsThe head configuration
is an array of two staggered printheads.1-way(single ink set) for fast printing and 2-way (dual inkset)formultipurpose printing are available. In addtion, both printmodescanutilize either 4-color
high speed printing or 6-colorhighqualityprinting.Fabric supply mechanismIn addition to the driverollerand friction roller, the take-up unitand feeding unit with adancerroller cause tension in the
fabric toprevent it from wrinkling.Thefabric retainer holds both edges of thefabric, preventing itfromtouching the print head.........