S & S Electro Mechanical Contact Coder (EMCC)is suitable for all fully & automatic coding on products where coding is statutory means NO CODE NO RUN.It is a compact and ideal intermittent motion
coder for making batch no., Date of Mfg., MRP. Date of Expiry & other statutory information on porous & non porous surface, it is Used for all intermittent Flow On Line Automatic pouch packing
machines. Vertical & Horizontal, FFA machines by the Help of photocell / Programmable logic Controller (PLC) With 6 digital counter having LCD displays. It has ten batch wise memories, which can be
seen whenever required .Once Select Mode of operation i.e. manual / automatic etc... On LCD display, also Speed Of Pouches/min.Simple and Reliable:The EMCC is truly operate friendly coder. It comes
with PLC which provides guidance for quick operation. On the key pad & Displays, Self explanatory key are short cuts for simple operation. This is portable compact and Easy to Install. Simply plug
the PLC into any electrical outlet of 230 VAC, at your side or plant. Its has printing capabilities of 1 to 4 lines of variable information. (I.e. max size 35 mm x 35 mm)