General Specifications
Advancing the Technology
The Z5000 offers the ultimate excellent printing quality, the result of an Innovative 32 dots technology.
Texts of up to 5 lines may be obtained by using several combined printing Matrix.
Upto six languages may be selected from the console and, furthermore, byelaborating the software, Arabic, Greek, Cyrillic, Chinese and Koreancharacters can be included.
The innovative systems of Viscosityand Ink Temperature control, ensures stability and reduction ofconsumables, always keeping perfect printing quality.
The Z5000 is fitted with an easy one START/STOP button, it makes the Start up and Shut down operations more simple and faster and includes the
automatic flushing of the printing head with solvent.
Thecomplete and reliable hydraulic circuit which sets this system apartfrom others, also allows the use of light pigmented inks on darksurfaces with a fast drying time and good adhesion on the most
Additional this system can manage the food grade inks for printing directly to food products.
The solid STAINLESS STEELcasing offers a high level of protection (IP65) and great reliabilityin a range of harsh environments (high level of humidity, water jets orfine dust).
The electronic control of the Z5000 system has beencompletely based on SMD technology, guaranteeing stability, speedperformance, memory and high level calculations.
This system is the right answer for all the special application
Up to 5 lines of print
Characters height from 0. 8 to 14 mm (0, 032"-0, 56")
Line speed capability: up to 300 mt / min