Crown-Cut eliminates the complication of cutting crown and cove
molding, giving you perfect miters, every time. Whats the secret?
Crown-Cut holds the molding at its intended angle while you cut it.
No more compound cuts and tedious trial and error!
Before Crown-Cut, miscalculated compound cuts
produced sloppy miters that screamed for caulk and paint.
Crown-Cut requires only a simple miter cut that any miter saw
can do. For a professional-looking job, cut your crown and cove
the easy way. Even if youre using the coping method
for inside miters, Crown-Cut will prove just as useful
for the initial cuts.
The safest and easiest way to cut crown molding.
Eliminates trial and error.
Produces perfect-fitting miters every time.
No more complicated compound cuts!
Fits all 10" and larger miter saws, both
regular and sliding.
Exclusive fence risers adjust to fit crown
and cove molding up to 6" wide.
Integral setup guide prevents costly miscuts!
Completely portable. Does NOT need
to be attached to your miter saw.
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Crown-Cut eliminates the complication of cutting crown and cove
Crown-Cut eliminates the complication of cutting crown and cove molding |