Efficient utilization opportunities for every size of a company: In minor, medium-sized or major plants everywhere planks, boards or panels are cut, the FlexiRip made a good name for itself as
universal, flexible longitudinal buzz saw. Predominantly the good production performance, the optimal wood yield, the fast change of saw blades and the comfortable one-man operation are held in
high regard by the customers. FlexiRip is the name of the solution when you talk about universal uses in solid wood cutting. The name RAIMANN stands for user-friendly, rationally producing buzz
saws. The longitudinal buzz saw FlexiRip is a clever development towards the cutting saw for different way of utilization.Ripping down, cutting-off, diagonal cutting, mitre cutting, cutting,
longitudinal and cross cutting everything with just one machine. Any amount of flexibility for any business demands: In combination with a cut-off saw expandable into a heavy-duty size-cutting line
and can be optimally integrated into system solutions. Zoom FlexiRip