Forestor tom sawyer horizontal bandsaw mill for big & small logs,100 m3 round timber day/i2 shiftsNot much used complete sawmill. Possible efficient cut small logs with kronos saw line and b i g
logs up to 1200 mm diameter with forestor tom sawyer horizontal bandsaw, made 1992 year, little used, band width 220 mm, log lenght max.12 m, used cutting bands 30 pcs, vertical bandsaw stenner
from 1980, bandwheel diameter 1350 mm,20 pcs used cutting bands,2-blade circular cantsaw soderhamn with hydraulic steering, one-blade cleaving circular saw kronos 1999 year, circular blade diameter
800 mm, blade sharpener loroch, all conveyour lines in sawmill, electic starters and panels for machinery included, not dismantled, price as it is, in finland.Wood species: Beech, oak, larch,
sprucePrice:56.000 euro vat 0%, exw in finlandDimensions:45 x 12 x 3 m for whole sawmill line
Forestor tom sawyer horizontal bandsaw mill for big & small logs,100 m3 round timber day/i2 shifts