High speed band resaw as single or twin band saw with a feed capacity of up to 120 m/minThe heavy-duty band resaw for large dimensions under high speed. High standard with SPS control for
measurement setting in serial cutting. Setting the middle-cut equipment by pressing a button. Adjustable saw blade speed for different types of wood. Major cut height and perfect measurement
accuracy by stable band guidance and high band tension. Long service life by a wide saw blade. For the perfect wood guidance the heavier, continuously adjustable electronic feed unit with
individual feed rollers with pneumatic pressure. High productivity by easy and fast measurement setting. Safety and long service life by effective saw blade cleaning, band wheel cleaning and
lubrication. Ideal for the integration into fully or semiautomatic planing and sawing lines. Available as right-hand or left-hand band resaw. At the same time you get safety according to strict
quality standard, fantastic operating comfort and of course the top service of the world market leader.