- Powerful driving with CBN grinding wheel and coolant system.
- It is very easy to use PLC controller for electronic maintenance and trouble shooting
- Numeric digital counter for presenting the number of tooth. Machine stops automatically
and the grinder backs to the original position ready for next saw blade change when the preset
value is reached
- Hydraulic saw blade clamping device could automatically adjust each tooth to the center
line of machine, even though the saw blade with deflection would not affect the symmetry of each
chamfering bevel
- 2 moving speed for grinding headfast speed for switching movement and slow speed for
chamfering. It would reduce attrition of CBN wheel and save time too.
- 2 positions of stopper block for selecting 30 or 45 of the chamfering bevel of tooth
- Without adjustment for running speed
- The moving stroke of grinding head is also the idle stroke of tooth pushing pawl. It is very
easy for adjusting
- Use selecting switch for choosing tooth from C or tooth from BW
- Closed oil circulation and lubrication system for worm gear and each liner slide. It would
slash mechanical maintenance cost
Features & Functions:
Powerful driving with CBN grinding wheel and coolant system.
Powerful driving with CBN grinding wheel and coolant system. |