Accessory Tray with pressr feet including utility foot A and B, Buttonholes foot C, Blind hem Foot D, Zipper Foot E, Presser Foot H, Edging Foot J, Quilter's 1/4" Piecing Foot P, Embroidery Foot R,
Decorative Side Motion Foot S, Transparent Presser Foot, One-Step Sensor Buttonhole Foot, thread nets, screwdriver, seam ripper, stitch plate opener, brush, felt pad, bobbins stylus, screw grip,
edge/quilting guide and clearnce plate/button reed. The Husqvarna Viking Accessory User's Guide, Handbook, User's Guide and Husqvarna Zig Zag Sewing Ideas includes patterns are also
included. Along with the embroidery maching I'm also including a brand new never used 40" X 72" cutting mat (Paid $125.00), 3 piece denim carrying luggage set (Paid $125.00), 4D Embroidery
Extra Software (Paid $799.00), Eight Spool Tread Rack (Paid $80.00), Hat Hoop(This allows you to embroidery on hat bills (Paid $110.00) and three plastic thread boxes with embroidery and sewing
thread ($400.00 value). The memory stick also has a few holiday patterns saved on it. This was purchased in Oct. 2207 and only used for four sewing lessons. Has less than 50 hours