1-needle & 1-thread/1-needle & 1-thread (high speed)/1-needle & 2-thread
* high-speed revolution 1700 ~ 1900 R. P. M.
* safety plastic handle for insulation.
* oil pump lubrication system. Oil lines direct
Lubricant to main moving elements.
* ideal for closing bags for agricultural products,
Animal feeds, fertilizer, chemicals and etc.
Speed 1700 ~ 1900 R. P. M.
Stitch length 8.5mm (3 stitches per inch) fixed
Needle dnx1, #25
Weight 6.0 kgs with thread
Drive motor 90w,50/60 hz,1-ph 12v,24v,110v,220v,240v
(need to specify one when ordering)
Available in Japan made & Taiwan made
1-needle & 1-thread/1-needle & 1-thread (high speed)/1-needle & 2-thread
* high-speed revolution