For many years we have been manufacturing our Model TST machine (Turn-sew-Turn) and model ITP machine (Inspecting with Toe Puncher). Both of these machines perform essential operations, but until
now, these units have been operated separately.Our new model TST-TP (Turn-Seam-Turn w/Toe Puncher) is now available as a complete assembly ready to mount on your sewing table. This unit offers
you:a flat, even seam in your socks after they have been sewn it eliminates the raised strip normally caused by the sewing operation. It allows you to flatten the seam simultaneously with turning
and seaming the sock Finally when the seam is punched out and flatteded, it will absorb dye and bleach evenly with the rest of the sock, thus assuring no distinct differences in color around the
seam. In general, our Model TST-TP offers you the essential turn-seam-turn operation plus giving your hosiery a flat, even, comfortable seam, which is a tremendous selling point for your
product.Production: 165-190 dozen / 8 hour shift Requirements: 80-90 PSI compressed air pressure 115 V electricity