Ultrasonic welders consist of two basic parts, an electrical part (generator) and an acoustic part (vibrating set), both must work in perfect harmony. The generator creates a series of regular and
perfect impulses that the acoustic part transforms into vibrations. the implement that carries out the welding (horn) vibrates at the same frequency as that released by the generator. It is the
horn that transmits this very quick and intense vibration to the synthetic material, which begins to weld. Moreover it is important to know that the horn remains cold during welding, as it
transmits only a vibration, and not heat; therefore the plastic material does not loose its technical characteristics and the piece does not become defaced.
SPEC can provide a Sonic cutting or welding solution that will fit all applications, from simple manual cutters to fully automatic, in-line slitting or welding systems. Please contact us with your
application information and we will fit the right piece of equipment to your application. We can custom design fully automatic systems, integrating Sonic functions as required. Sonic units are the
highest quality, manufactured in Italy by SONIC ITALIA.
Manual Sonic Cutter
Manual sonic cutter shown with the required generator
Manual sonic cutter shown with the required generator
Manual sonic cutter shown with the required generator |