1525-6/14-900/81-910/04-911/35-918/29-925/03-926/07 CLM N8
Special single-needle high-speed lockstitch seamer with unison feed
6/14 standard part set
900/81 thread trimmer
910/04 automatic foot lift
911/35 automatic backtack
918/29 quick-adjust top feed stroke with visual indicator for two pre-selectable stich lengths and two pre-selectable top feed stroke settings
925/03 air filter/regulator
926/07 Bobbin rest thread monitor with optical control using stitch counter
L: machine equipment for sewing leathers
M: overload clutch
N: stitch length
Stitch type: 301
Max. sewing speed: 4000 s.p.m.
depending on material and operation
Max. stitch length: 8 mm
Fabric clearance: 18 mm
High seam quality due to unison feed in connection with double needle thread tension regulation
Large hook