FV200 Series
Feed-off-the-arm cylinder bed
The feed-off-the-arm cylinder bed is the most suitable for lap seaming operations on cylindrical goods such as side seaming or in seaming on Jeans of Work pants, side seaming or sleeve seaming on
Denim jackets, providing easy lap seaming and eliminating the need for sophisticated techniques, so that even unskilled operator can use the machine.
Knurled roller prevents plyshift
The knurled roller located at the end of the cylinder bed pulls the fabric forcibly from behind the needle to produce a clean finish without plyshift. This also prevents seam jamming in cross seam
sections of extra-heavy weight fabrics. (Please use a resin roller for easily damageable fabrics such as corduroy.)
Pop-out looper
The looper pops out when the button is pressed so that threading is not wearisome any more. * Equipped with HR device * Stitch length adjustment lever * Differential feed adjustment lever *
Equipped with sliding binder