5.so it is especially available in stitching car seat cushions,safety belts, safety air bags,tents,parachutes,etc.
4.it is also equipped with a safaty clutch to prevent the hooks from damage by over-duty operation.
3.the application of needle bearing for arm shaft and hook shaft,cog belt driving,plunger pump lubrication and compound feed by needle bar,presser foot and dog providers this series with such splen-did features as smooth tunning,quiet working and a long service lire.
2. it has subclassed in to single needle,single needle with under-trimmer and two needle with under-trimmer.
1.this series is the latest of brand heavy-duty unison feed lockstitch sewing machine,designed with large vertical rotating hooks for thread loop cathing and sliding bars for thread up-taking.
sewing machine SM4410
sewing machine is equipped with a safaty clutch to prevent the hooks from damage by over-duty operation
sewing machine is equipped with a safaty clutch to prevent the hooks from damage by over-duty operation |