With two straight needles, self-lubricating vertical-axis rotating hook for catching tread loops and sliding cam thread take-up, self-lubrication produce two lines of lockstitch.Needle bar adopts mechanized split structure, suitable for corner-sewing and convenient for reparing seam. Top and bottom shaft use running needle to support, synchoronized dentate-type band to transit. Synchoronized feed by needle and feed dog can prevent the material from slipping, knob-typle regulator adjusting guage, lever-typle forward and reverse feeding mechanism made operation more convenient and easy, suitable for sewing shirt, uniform, underweas and jean and etc.
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Category: GEMSY / Doubleneedle Machine
Product name:: Gemsy Double needles lockstitch sewinq machine(Split needle bar)
Category: GEMSY / Doubleneedle Machine Product name:: Gemsy Double needles lockstitch sewinq machine(Split needle bar) |