The word paper derives from the Greek term for the writing material called , which was formed from beaten strips of .The immediate predecessor to modern paper is believed to haveoriginated in China
in approximately the 2nd century CE, although thereis some evidence for it being used before this date. is considered to be one of the , since the first papermaking process was developed in during
the early 2nd century CE by court eunuch. China used paper as an effective and cheap alternative to silk, letting them sell more silk, leading to a . The use of paper spread from China through the
, where the first were built, and entered production in Europe in the early 12th century.Mechanized production of paper in the early 19th century causedsignificant cultural changes worldwide,
allowing for relatively cheapexchange of information in the form of letters, newspapers and booksfor the first time. In 1844, both Canadian inventor and German inventor F.G. Keller had invented the
machine and process for pulping wood for the use in paper making.This would end the nearly 2000-year use of pulped rags and start a newera for the production of newsprint and eventually all paper
out ofpulped wood.
Paper is thin material mainly used for writing upon, printing upon or for packaging.[citation needed] It is produced by pressing