Dear customers,
We are Chartered Bailiffs from Epasamoto Law Firm here in
Cameroon.Our services were sort to help market a huge volume of company assets belonging to a Paper Company here in Cameroon,which includes paper one A4,Douable A4,A3papers and envelopes.The
company has been liquidated and therefore there is need to pay of the stakeholders.
The only way by which this is possible is by Auctioning some of the Company's assets and left-over inventories and W.I.P.
Since this company was also a paper distributing company,we have popular brands of papers such as the DOUBLE A,DISCOVERY,NAVIGATOR,GOLDEN STAR,SAME DAY,TECNIS and so many other respected brands in
both A4,A3,letter sirze,that are now on public auction.Please bidding begins as from 0.1$ per ream and when it closes for each session,the bidder will be immediately informed of the payment
We await your bid and wish you all the best.
Maitre Jude Oben
Esq.Epasamoto Law Firm.
We are auctioning Papers from a liquidated paper company.Please send you bids to us beginning from 0.1$per ream.Thanks.