Dear customer to be,
Thank you for
choosing Technis Select Papers brand.We are manufacturers and distributors of copy papers in Cameroon and abroad,with a new branch being opened in South Africa.
Our valued customers remain our main source of strength.We have just launched the opening of two more production units,despite the present world financial turmoil.Our company
production has continued to be on the increase and we continue to give enough consideration to our customers and the environment.
We can provide you with unrivaled services and products due to our expertise in the field,since 1996,blended with the desire to provide just the best in the most cost effective way.
Sir,no matter what you are looking for,please feel free to contact us,and do not be left behind in these modern day of globalisation.Surely,you wouldn't want to be left behind,
You are welcomed on board the Tecnis.
Chief Sales Coordinator
Our customers tell us our products are good,and besides,the price is excellent.For you,what do you think?Why not gives us a try?