compatible with most of the existing types of surfaces and coatings, protecting them when used adequately.
To assure its efficiency, packed parts should be in a packing system that reduces the most possible the air circulation in its interior. In this way, the atmosphere in the system will be saturated by volatiles and the protection will reach its highest level. If the packing system allows constant exchange of air in its interior, the protective effect will be kept, but the actives will keep volatilizing and reducing lightly its mass. In this case, use of other products of the ORVIC VCI PLUS line products is recommended in order to guarantee longer and more effective protection. The volatile components of ORVIC VCI raffia packing products are
The ORVIC VCI raffia products are used in a wide range of applications in the metal process industry. Indicated for the protection of steel, cast iron, aluminum and copper parts, active compounds of the ORVIC VCI raffia products are deposited over the metallic surface forming a thin non-oily layer that decreases the electrons current density between the metal and the electrolytes that are in the atmosphere, preventing the corrosion effect.
Paper used for metalic parts and/or pieces to avoid corrosion.