We can supply A4 size Photo Copier Paper with the following specifications.Size: A4 Size paper(210 x 297 mm)GSM:80 GSM qualityBrightness:87 % minReam Weight - 2.5 kg and 500 sheets per
ReamQuantity: We can effect Bulk quantity(Thereis no problem in supply and supply position is comfortable).Paper from an ISO 14001 certified company and ECO FRIENDLY RAW MATERIALPrice: US $ 1.70
Per Ream CIF.Details of paper:1. Excellent Brightness and Opacity.2. Higher Grammage at Lower cost3. Improved Stiffness/dimensional stability4. Less tendency to Jam/Multi-feed5. Improved electro
static qualities6. Free from operational problems7. In short, absolutely user friendly.Reel-cut&packaged using world's best technology - Online computerised cutting and packaging system.This
paper is made mainly from a non-wood based, renewable raw material - bagasse, namely Sugar Cane Waste.This paper is specially manufactured to suit all modern machines including high speed digital
copiers.On hearing from you we would forward our banking details.
We can supply A4 size Photo Copier Paper with the following specifications.
Size: A4 Size paper(2